Thursday 19 June 2008


Donuts donuts donuts! That's one of the things I love about America most - you get to have donuts for breakfast. Mine was really yummy and had me running around like a mad thing within minutes (though that could have also had something to do with the blue marshmallows I found in my Lucky Charms cereal....).

Mum and dad weren't really happy with our apartment. It was a long way away from the swimming pool, and it did smell a bit funny (and no, I'm pretty sure that wasn't just Max). So mum used her persuasive powers to get them to move us and after breakfast we had to go and pack our suitcases again. Boring - and what a waste of valuable snorkelling time.

After that, mum said we were going to the most exciting place in Florida, so I was a bit surprised when we got out the car and we were at the shopping mall. Anyway it was worth it because we got really cools toys for being so good on the plane yesterday and she finally seems to be getting what we are here for as we also got some fishes for playing with in the swimming pool. At lunch time I insisted on having strawberry juice to drink, but mum said I'm never allowed to have it again after she read what it had in it. Perhaps she was scared after my reaction to those blue marshmallows, as it was very bright red.

When we got back, we moved into our new apartment and then went to the pool. Daddy very much enjoyed sorting out my goggles and snorkle every few minutes, and mummy clearly loved catching me every time I jumped in. Max was really nervous at first and only wanted to go in the baby pool, but after a few minutes he was swimming by himself, and by the end of the afternoon we both swam all the way across the pool without any help. Mummy and daddy were very impressed. We got back to the apartment just as the thunderstorm started.

This evening, even though we'd all been awake for nearly 16 hours, I said I wanted to go out for pizza. Max passed out within 30 seconds of getting in the car, and stayed asleep throughout dinner. I ate my pizza and then fell asleep in my pushchair too. Mum and dad kept themselves going with some colourful drinks themselves. It's not fair, it seems like there's one rule for grownups, and another for us little boys.

Disney in the morning. At last!


Unknown said...

donuts and swimming! what bliss
love ning ning

rhiannon said...

hi - jwningning signing in and saying hello have another great day! xxxtra xxxes