Monday 30 June 2008

WALL•E and the sea

The pace of life is quite a bit slower here in Clearwater. Instead of getting up early in the morning and rushing to a theme park, we've been waking up really late and then taking our time to decide what to do for the day.

On Saturday morning we went to the restaurant in the hotel for their buffet breakfast which daddy has been looking forward to for the last three years. Max and I were quite happy with a bowl of Fruit Loops - it's really sad they don't sell those in England - but daddy had a hard time choosing between the bacon, sausages, breakfast potatoes, eggs, toast, bagels, cereal, fruit, and more, so he decided not to choose and just have a bit of everything.

We all fancied a day of not getting wet, so we decided the best thing to do was go and see WALL•E, the new Pixar film which has only just come out. We went to the mall in Tampa, and bought our tickets, but the film didn't start for 45 minutes, so we obviously had to do a bit of shopping first. They had a sale on in mummy's favourite kids clothing shop, The Children's Place, so we now have our entire summer and autumn wardrobes sorted.

Then we went to see the film, and we all thought it was great. Daddy said it was the best kids film he's seen in years, and we're going to go and see it again when it comes out in England. We now have to be good boys for the whole rest of the holiday if we want to get any WALL•E toys. We're not doing a very good job so far!

After the film, we had to go and buy a suitcase so that we can get all our shopping home. And then we went to a restaurant for my favourite kind of food, pizza.

Sunday was a proper seaside day. For breakfast we had Cinnabon cinnamon rolls, which we'd bought in the mall the day before. Then we packed up all our stuff and walked over to the beach. Even though it looks like it's only over the road, it's actually a very long walk and we were very hot by the time we got there, so we got straight in the water to cool down. I'm starting to like the seaside more than I used to, and I spent a lot of time swimming in the sea and bobbing in the waves, although it was horrible when the water splashed in my mouth because it was so salty. Daddy blew up our new lilo and big rubber ring that looks like a tyre, and we also played in the sand and built sandcastles - well daddy built them and Max and I knocked them down again.

After our long walk back to the hotel we were so hot again that we had to get in the pool. We also thought it would be a good idea to have an ice cream to help us to cool down. Max seemed to think that the best way to do this was to spread the ice cream all over his body.

In the evening we went to the pier for the sunset festival, where Max and I played in the playground, and went on the bouncy castle. There was also an enormous bouncy slide shaped like a shark, which was great fun. Max climbed up to the top and then decided he was too scared to come down, so daddy had to go up and rescue him. All this American food must have finally got too much for daddy, because he got a bad tummy ache and we had to go back to the hotel. We then sat up and watched a really great film on the Disney channel, while daddy kept muttering about what rubbish it was, until it was really late and well past our bed time.


Unknown said...

you will be pleased to hear that this side of the pond 30 Chanctonbury (is that how you spell it?) Way is still standing, or was at least when we left circa 16 30 gmt today..complete with table and garden chairs and oh the gardener now has 2 sons! but maybe you know that already.
This film that comes so highly recommended
will you be bringing back a DVD?
Does max want to be an ice cream when he grows up? or is he so full on the inside that he has to start on the outside.
Coud your daddys tummy ache have anything to do with breakfast? Just asking.
bye bye

G&G said...

There seems to be a recurring theme here - food, food and more food - and I suspect it's got a lot more to do with Daddy than you, Jakey. Maxie looks a bit sad in one of the photos. Is it all a bit much for him? Missing you loads as you've been away what seems like a very long time now. Nick, Mila, Josh and Louis are moving house on Saturday, so that's sure to be a bit chaotic. Bring us back some big hugs.

Love G&G

rhiannon said...

saw your pussycats today - Cinnamon was very pleased to see us. We had a little rest on your sofas and she sat on each of us in turn asking to be stroked. Even Albert paid us a short visit. I think they will be glad to get their family back. Tell Mummy not to worry - we left the doors shut and even mastered the alarm with a little bit of help from Jenny.
Your new grass has grown dramatically so your garden is all green now. Noah came with his daddy and helped to water it.
Enjoy the rest of your holiday and see you Monday xxx ningning